The main industries in North East Victoria are agriculture (dairy, beef, lamb, wool, cropping and horticulture), forest products, tourism, value-added processing industries and manufacturing. These industries contribute an estimated $3.24 billion every year to the State's economic wealth.
Major water storages (at capacity)
Dartmouth Dam |
3,906,400 megalitres |
Lake Buffalo |
24,000 megalitres |
Lake William Hovell |
13,500 megalitres |
Hume Weir |
3,038,000 megalitres |
Rocky Valley Dam |
29,110 megalitres |
North East Victoria - a snapshot
Population |
102,000 |
Area |
1,957,000 hectares |
Public land |
55% |
Length of streams |
10,602 kms |
Water supply |
Region provides 38% of total water to the Murray Darling Basin |