Works and activities in, under, on or over the bed and banks of Designated Waterways (see definition below) in Victoria require a Works on Waterways Permit from the relevant Catchment Management Authority. To protect our rivers and creeks it is important that new activities or works undertaken do not adversely affect the health of those waterways. Many practices undertaken with the best intentions have caused major degradation to our waterways.
For example, poorly constructed crossings and other structures can cause erosion, obstruct water flow and hinder the passage of aquatic life.
Works and/or activities requiring a permit may include:
- Access crossings including bridges, culverts and fords
- Services/utility crossings
- Stormwater outlets
- Stabilisation works such as bank protection, battering and retaining structures
- Vegetation and debris removal
- Sand and gravel extraction
What are designated waterways?
Designated waterways are named or unnamed, permanent or seasonal, and range in size from a river to a natural depression. Designated waterways are declared under the Water Act 1989. Maps of these waterways can be inspected at your local CMA office. You can also contact the North East CMA and we will check if there are designated waterways on your property for you, and we can email you a map showing roughly where the designated waterways are.
What happens if I don’t obtain a Works on Waterways Permit?
Failure to obtain a permit or failure to observe the given conditions may constitute an offence under the Water Act 1989 or the CMA's Waterways Protection By-laws. Penalties for offences apply.
Who manages water in the North East Region?
Responsibility for the region's natural waterways and providing water services is shared between the North East CMA, rural and urban water authorities.
Catchment Management Authority - Talk to the North East CMA for:
- Permits to undertake works on waterways
- Flood information and advice
- River health
Rural Water Authority - Talk to Goulburn-Murray Water for:
- Permits to take and use water
- Groundwater extraction
- Bore construction
Urban Waterway Authority - Talk to North East Water for:
- Urban water and sewerage infrastructure
- Urban bill enquiries