Based in the North East of Victoria the Statewide Aboriginal Landcare Facilitator program will build the on capacity of Landcare groups/networks to engage with the Aboriginal community in all nine regions across Victoria.
A major part of this program is developing and enhancing statewide Landcare communications and promoting opportunities and events that highlight Aboriginal Landcare over the length of the program including NAIDOC Week and Landcare Week.
By promoting Landcare as a concept and increasing the involvement of Aboriginal communities across Victoria in Landcare the program will develop and enhance partnerships between Landcare groups/networks across the state and existing Aboriginal engagement programs in Victoria.
The program will also boost confidence levels of the Landcare groups by providing support and information in relation to contacting the right people being Traditional owners and or Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAP) organisation as well as providing ongoing support and education to local communities to enhance engagement between Landcare and the Aboriginal Community .
The Statewide Aboriginal Landcare Facilitator Program will also continually develop and enhance the Cultural Awareness Training program and implement this training around the State engaging community groups and networks to strengthen partnerships with traditional owners.

Image: North East CMA, Talgarno cultural awareness training, 2015
For more information regarding this project, please contact:
North East Catchment Management Authority
Phone: 1300 216 513 or 02 6043 7600