Landcare and community Natural Resource Management (NRM) groups and networks groups work tirelessly across the region to achieve positive outcomes on both public and private land. Landcare is a major contributor to the achievement of the North East Regional Catchment Strategy priority actions.
With over 60 Landcare and related community NRM groups across the region, it is difficult to find the full range of activities and achievements delivered by these groups. For this reason, the North East CMA produces an annual Report Card, aggregating and summarising their achievements across the region.
The 2014-15 Report Card is available as a downloadable document below, and this page outlines the key achievements listed in the report.

Download the 2014-15 North East Landcare Report Card
Activity and Achievements: a Snapshot

Landcare and Community Group Activities
This report identifies significant increases in memberships,
events and participation compared to prior years.
The increases are primarily due to the work of the Wodonga Urban
Landcare Network groups and partners. Member groups
have volunteers providing weekly education sessions with
local school environment curriculum activities, plus regular
community activities involving adult and family participants.
In addition a key partner, Parklands Albury Wodonga, has over 2800
members and delivers regular community participation
events for members and volunteers.

On-ground Works and Environmental Outcomes
Thanks to increased funding available for Grants, particularly from the Victorian Government, groups achieved significant on-ground environmental outcomes. The results of some of these grants include:

For full details download the 2014-15 North East Landcare Report Card