From woody weed biochar to improved soils and sequestered carbon
To measure the impact of willow biochar on the nutrient content, total, organic and microbial C fractions, and water holding capacities of key soil types across southern NSW and NE Victoria, and on the growth of pastures, crops and vines on these soils when amended with willow biochar.
To evaluate project objective, five replicated field experiments were established in 2012.
Four sites were established with DAFF funding on the following properties; a perennial pasture on a Talgarno beef property, crop paddocks at Rutherglen, Victoria and Rand, NSW, and a highaltitude vineyard at Tumbarumba, NSW.
A fifth site was established with NECMA funding on an autumn‐sown Italian ryegrass pasture on a Greta South dairy farm.
Download the first report
To find more information about Biochar initiatives and programs the CMA has undertaken, see the Biochar page.