The Natural Resource Management (NRM) Plan provides an overview of landscape conditions in north east Victoria and a strategic approach to targeting future investments in the region relative to the Australian Government’s Regional Landcare Program (RLP) 5-year Outcomes. Guided by a resilience approach to NRM planning, this plan identifies investment priorities for improving biodiversity, species conservation, land management practices and climate adaptation responses in the region.
The NRM Plan has been informed by an extensive stakeholder and community consultation process that occurred over an 18-month period. This consultation included workshops, online surveys, meetings with various stakeholders, partner presentations and the formation of a project steering committee comprised of representatives from Traditional Owners/First Nations Peoples, regional NRM and related agencies and Landcare.
The development of this plan complies with the obligations of the North East CMA under the ‘Service Level Agreement for the delivery of services in the Victoria - North East Management Unit as part of the Regional Land Partnerships Program’.
For further details regarding how this NRM Plan corresponds to the requirements under this agreement refer to Lachlan Thomas, Coordinator of Strategy, Investment and Evaluation – Lachlan.thomas@necma.vic.gov.au