The North East Catchment Management Authority led the renewal of the North East RCS on behalf of the catchment community. It undertook this role as the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 (CaLP Act) specifies that each Victorian CMA must prepare a regional catchment strategy for its region and coordinate and monitor its implementation.
The renewal of the RCS was an important direction setting process for the multiple ‘communities’ of North East Victoria. As part of the renewal process, the North East CMA sought to gather local knowledge about landscapes within the region and how the community values and interacts with these. This knowledge was integrated with technical and formal knowledge to develop a more in depth understanding of the values and dynamics of the various landscapes in North East Victoria.
The North East RCS provides a framework of action that any individual, group or organisation can use to guide future natural resource management decisions in the Upper Murray, Kiewa and Ovens River valleys. In summary, it:
- sets a vision for the North East Region
- describes the links between various landscapes in the region and the people who live and work in them
- describes the challenges and opportunities that need to be addressed
- offers an overarching framework or blueprint to guide natural resource management actions
Download a copy here:
North East Regional Catchment Strategy 2013-2019 PDF (5.84MB)
During the renewal of the Strategy, people identified five landscape systems that were meaningful to them. Each of these landscape systems has their own characteristics, functions and dynamics. They also have important biophysical features (land, water and biodiversity assets) that often form the identity and values of the landscape.

Community participation in the integrated management and monitoring of resource condition is needed in each landscape.