The North East Waterway Strategy sets a vision for management of waterways across the North East region. The Strategy is a blueprint to guide the planning and management of waterways across the region. The Strategy is designed to support people who need to make decisions about the management of rivers, floodplains and wetlands across the region.
The Strategy was created using key values and information identified by the community, scientists, business and government agencies. As the agency responsible for waterway health in the region, the North East CMA led the development of this Strategy on behalf of the catchment community.
Actions from the Strategy will provide input into the more detailed management plans and environmental water management plans.
Specifically, the Strategy seeks to guide and support the management plans of waterways in North East Victoria by:
- Providing strategic direction regarding waterways in North East Victoria and identifying a regional vision, goals and principles
- Discussing approaches to waterway management
- Describing the Whole of Region and eight specific sub regional Waterway systems
- Outlining Strategic Actions for each of these systems over the next eight years
- Identifying Priority Waterways and describing waterway management for these activities.
DOWNLOAD a copy of the North East Waterway Strategy 2014 here (3.4Mb file size)
Priority Waterways and Wetlands Interactive Map