The North East CMA has responsibilities under several Victorian Acts, standing directions and other guiding documents. This page provides information on key obligations.
Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994
Catchment Management Authorities were established under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994. This Act details specific natural resource management functions which each CMA is required to undertake as well as outlining governance requirements specific to CMAs. The Minister has issued a Statement of Obligations under the Catchment and Land Protection Act setting out these responsibilities.
Statement of Obligations - Catchment Land Protection Act 1994
The Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 can be accessed online in its entirety from the Victorian Legislation Website.
Water Act 1989
In addition to the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994, the Water Act 1989 details additional natural resouce management functions which CMAs are required to undertake. The Minister has issued a Statement of Obligations under the Water Act setting out these responsibilities.
Statement of Obligations - Water Act 1989
The Water Act 1989 can be accessed online in its entirety from the Victorian Legislation Website.
Notice of making of the By-Law No. 2024/01 Waterways Protection North East Catchment Management Authority
By-law No 2024-01 Waterways Protection.pdf
The Privacy Policy sets out how North East CMA meets the requirements of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. The policy covers our functions and the information we collect, how we apply the information privacy principles, procedures for accessing information and how to make a privacy complaint (see also Compliments and Complaints).
Privacy Policy
Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012
In certain circumstances a complaint of corrupt or improper conduct by a public officer or body, may be a protected disclosure under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012. If you have a disclosure about corrupt or improper conduct by an employee of the North East CMA or by the North East CMA, you can only make that disclosure to IBAC (the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission), and not to the North East CMA. You can make that disclosure:
- in person
- in writing (including using IBAC complaint forms or by post)
- by telephone
- via email
The link below will take you direct to IBAC's website where you can find out more about Public Interest Disclosures including what constitutes a Public Interest Disclosure, what the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012 does, and how to make a Public Interest Disclosure.
The North East CMA's internally endorsed Public Interest Disclosure Policy and Procedures are available below:
Public Interest Disclosures Act Policy
Public Interest Disclosures Act Procedures
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic)
Please refer to the Freedom of Information web page.
Child Safe Standards
North East CMA is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. Read about our commitment in our Statement of Commitment.
Child Safe Standards: Statement of Committement to Child Safety and Wellbeing
Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality
North East CMA, as a public sector organisation, is bound by the Victorian Public Sector Commission's (VSPC) values which include integrity, impartiality and accountability, among others.
To ensure the highest standards of behaviour are adhered to by our staff and board members, our Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality policy details the responsibilities of all staff and board members in relation to gifts, benefits and hospitality, including recording any instances of such offers and the action taken in response to those offers.
Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy
NECMA Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register
Privacy collection statement - Gifts benefits and hospitality
Victorian Public Sector Commission Minimum accountabilities for managing gifts, benefits and hospitality in the Victorian public sector
The Compliments and complaints handling procedure provides guidance on the types of feedback which can and cannot be received by North East CMA, how to lodge complimentns and different types of complaints, as well as review rights should the process followed or the outcome of a complaint not be satisfactory.
Compliments and complaints handling procedure
Compliment and complaint form