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Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Online look at climate change across Victoria

Two online presentations will address current and possible future climatic conditions that are likely in 2050 across Victoria this week.

Climate experts from the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) will provide overviews from the state-wide Climate Science Report 2019 as well as climate projections for each region including North East Victoria.

As part of each session, the presenters will explain the report and help readers apply what they learn.

The first free webinar, titled Climate change in Victoria – past, present and future, will run from 1 to 2pm this Wednesday 24 June.

“The report shows that Victoria’s climate has already changed, and we need to plan for greater climatic uncertainty in the future,” says North East CMA climate project coordinator Lachlan Campbell.

“There will be lots of time for questions with the DELWP project team, so if you want to learn more about how climate change might affect your life and livelihood, we encourage you to take part.” Participants can join the Wednesday event via this link - MS Teams Live Event.

The second free webinar, titled Victorian Climate Projections 2019 – findings and tips for interpreting, will run from 1 to 2pm this Friday 26 June.

This event looks at the climate change projections for Victoria, with a focus on local predictions.

“We need this level of detail, we need to understand what local-scale climate data means for us and our businesses,” Lachlan said.

“We need to consider the different climate drivers and ensure we interpret the predictions correctly.” Participants can join the presenters from DELWP and CSIRO on Friday via this link - MS Teams Live Event.


Categories: Events, Field Day, Training, ForumNumber of views: 3356

