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Friday, 16 December 2022

Incentives available for works to improve riparian and fish habitat along the Lower Kiewa River

Expressions of interest are now open for landholders to be part of a new project to enhance riparian and fish habitat for threatened species on the Lower Kiewa River.

As part of the Murray-Darling Healthy Rivers Program, this North-East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) project has received $398,888 in grant funding from the Australian Government.

“The project will deliver instream and riparian habitat improvements by installing large woody debris, undertaking mechanical willow removal, woody weed control and revegetation activities along the Lower Kiewa River from Kiewa township to the confluence with the Murray River,” Project Manager Sam Gitahi said.

“The Lower Kiewa River has been subject to chronic sedimentation from erosion processes in the upper catchment, particularly sediment delivered from Yackandandah Creek due to historic mining. 

“This sediment has resulted in infilling of deep pools, which are important for threatened fish species such as Trout Cod, Macquarie Perch and Murray Cod.”

“Project works will assist in building riparian health and encouraging scouring of instream habitat for fish species.”

The North East CMA has partnered with Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups (KCLG) to roll out revegetation activities, woody weed control works (target species blackberry, poplar, willow and box elder) and community engagement activities under this program. 

Shannon Brennan, Landcare Facilitator with KCLG said the project is a great opportunity for Landcare and the North East CMA to work together to deliver this important program.

“We are encouraging all landholders along this stretch of river to apply and be part of building reach scale river health change,” Shannon said.

“There will also be opportunities for the broader community to learn about the project outcomes and fish habitat structures through a community engagement event to be held next year.”

To obtain more information and the EOI form click on http://bit.ly/3UZFZZQ. Applications close 11 February 2023.



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