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Friday, 31 March 2023

2023 Victorian Landcare Grants now open

The Victorian Government has opened the latest round of the Victorian Landcare Grants, with $3.95 million funding available to Landcare and environmental volunteer groups and networks across the state for on-ground works, education, and capacity building projects that protect, enhance, and restore our land and natural environment. 

Grants of up to $20,000 are available for on-ground projects and support grants of up to $500 are available to help with group administration and running costs.

The grants are open to environmental volunteer groups, including Landcare groups and networks, Friends groups, Conservation Management Networks, Committees of Management, Coastcare groups and Aboriginal groups to support the important work they do in protecting and restoring our land and environment.

This funding will be delivered through Victoria’s 10 catchment management authorities (CMAs), demonstrating the important environmental outcomes that can be achieved through collaboration between CMAs, environmental groups, local communities, and the government.

In 2022, 24 projects were funded in the North East CMA region through last year’s Victorian Landcare Grants for a total of $309,251. They included $16,760 for the Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups’ project to strengthen volunteer involvement through biodiversity actions; $15,000 for Wodonga Urban Landcare Network’s 2023 Community Tree Challenge; and $18,500 for the Greta Valley Landcare Group’s Greening the Greta Valley project.

A further $9000 was provided to 18 Landcare and community groups in support grants. Full details at 2022 Victorian Landcare Grants (necma.vic.gov.au)

The Victorian Landcare Grants support the implementation of Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037, which is Victoria’s 20-year plan to stop the decline of our native plants and animals and improve our natural environment and Victorians Volunteering for Nature – Environmental Volunteering Plan.

Applications close 5pm Tuesday 16 May 2023. 

For more information and to apply for the 2023 grants go to the North East CMA website at https://bit.ly/3QkLcui


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