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Monday, 25 September 2023

Grants support Landcare volunteers across Victoria

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2023 Victorian Landcare Grants in the North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) region. 

In the North East CMA region, $367,250 has been allocated to 25 on-ground projects and educational activities focused on biodiversity protection. The diverse range of projects includes creating supplementary habitat for native fauna at Burgoigee Creek; a traditional burning engagement and revegetation/remnant protection program at Honey Suckle – Spring Creek in Towong Shire; protecting native forest nectar resources for wildlife with dedicated European Honey Bee plantations at Rutherglen; and stopping the spread of the worst urban garden escapees at Wodonga.

Support grants of $500 have also been allocated to 16 environmental volunteer groups in the North East CMA region to assist with administration and running costs.

Environmental volunteer groups and networks are sharing in $3.98 million in funding for projects to protect Victoria’s natural environment. The grants will fund 245 on-ground and educational projects focused on biodiversity protection and provide additional financial support to more than 269 environmental volunteer groups.

These grants will support Landcare and environmental volunteering groups and networks for on-ground works, education and capacity building projects that protect and restore our land and natural environment.

The delivery of the 2023 Victorian Landcare Grants will build on the success of Victorian Landcare Grants delivered by community in 2022, including native plantings, weed control, pest control and installation of fencing to protect wildlife habitat.  In 2022, Victorian Landcare Grants also supported 414 community events, such as community tree plantings and training workshops, that were attended by more than 6,000 volunteers.

The Victorian Landcare Grants support Biodiversity 2037, the Victorian Government’s long-term plan to protect Victoria’s environment. 

A full list of this year’s Victorian Landcare Grant recipients can be found at https://www.environment.vic.gov.au/grants/victorian-landcare-grants

Picture: The 2023 Victorian Landcare Grants have seen $367,250 allocated to 25 on-ground projects in the North East CMA region. Credit: Jo Vincent, Wodonga Urban Landcare Network


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