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Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Ovens Murray Drought Resilience Plan

Have your say on implementation priorities and/or register your interest to receive funding for implementation

Drought is an enduring, regular feature of the Australian landscape which inflicts major financial, social, and environmental costs on farm businesses and communities. 

The Ovens Murray Drought Resilience Plan (the Plan) is one of 9 regional plans developed in Victoria, as part of the Regional Drought Resilience Planning (RDRP) Program, under the Future Drought Fund.  

The long-term objectives of the plan are: 

  1. Build the social capital of communities through increased connectivity, improved wellbeing, and a greater sense of security 

  1. Empower communities and businesses to implement activities to build their economic resilience to drought, and 

  1. Support land managers to improve the natural resource base for long-term productivity and landscape health 


Have your say on implementation priorities 

The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) has recently received funding from the Future Drought Fund’s Regional Drought Resilience Planning Program (jointly funded by the Australian and Victorian Governments) to develop a 12-month implementation plan by 31 March 2025 and coordinate funding for implementation activities for the following 12 months (until April 2026). The total funding pool available for activities is $300,000. 

We are seeking feedback from farmers, agricultural industries, community organisations, Traditional Owners and government on priority focus areas and activities for the 12-month implementation plan. This feedback will guide allocation of implementation funding. 

To have your say please complete our online survey by 5pm Tuesday 18 March 2025. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. 

Register your group or organisations interest to implement activities 
We are also seeking expressions of interest (EOIs) for any groups and organisations (individuals are not eligible) that would like to deliver Ovens Murray Drought Resilience Plan implementation actions over the next 12 months.  

To submit an EOI please read the guidelines and complete the online form by 5pm Tuesday 18 March 2025.  

Further information 

For further information please contact Ashley Rogers, North East CMA on ashley.rogers@necma.vic.gov.au or phone 0447 422 543. 


This project is funded by the Future Drought Fund’s Regional Drought Resilience Planning Program, jointly funded by the Australian and Victorian Governments. 



Author: Natalie Ord

Categories: NewsNumber of views: 117

