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North East CMA Communication Bulletin

North East CMA
Communication Bulletin

Basins Impacted: Ovens, King, Kiewa, Mitta Mitta, Upper Murray
Issued: 08/06/16

The Bureau of Meteorology have issued the following warnings for the North East District:
‐ Flood Watch for Ovens, King, Kiewa, Mitta Mitta, Upper Murray catchment
The region may be subject to between 40 and 70 mm of rainfall between the 08/06/16 and 09/06/16.

With consideration of current catchment conditions and forecast rainfall, the Bureau of Meteorology indicates a
possibility of:
‐ Minor flooding for the Ovens, King, Kiewa, Mitta Mitta, Upper Murray catchment
The catchment may respond as follows:
‐ A reduction in water quality is possible.
‐ Damage to river banks and vegetation may occur.
‐ Watercourse conditions may become dangerous and potentially threaten public safety and infrastructure.
‐ There is possibility of areas of minor flooding developing within the North East Catchments

The North East CMA has made the following preparations in relation to the forecast rainfall and catchment
‐ North East CMA will continue to liase with relevant authorities throughout the event.
‐ North East CMA will take calls from landholders, and will log waterway and floodplain management issues/requests.

To report waterway and floodplain management issues, please contact the North East CMA on 1300 216 513
Requests for flood and storm emergency assistance, call the SES on 132 500.
For up to date weather forecasting and warning information refer to the Bureau of Meteorology at
www.bom.gov.au/vic. For life threatening emergencies call Triple Zero (000).

This bulletin contains advice regarding the North East CMA’s preparedness for recovery following current forecasts for heavy rainfall. The information contained in this bulletin was correct at the time of issuing.
Please note that our operational protocols are not designed to replace or duplicate the role that the State Emergency Service (SES) or Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) play in communicating warnings to the community.

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