Priority flood damaged sites will benefit from funding support for on-ground works to be coordinated by North East Catchment
Management Authority (CMA).
North East CMA has received advice from the Department of Treasury and Finance acknowledging support to fund flood damage
recovery works at 56 sites deemed eligible under the Commonwealth's National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements
(NDRRA), which focuses on repairing and restoring public assets.
Relevant landholders are now being contacted by North East CMA staff to start discussions and develop site management
agreements. Due to the size of the program of works to be undertaken, North East CMA advise that initial works will commence in
March 2017 and continue well into 2018/19.
North East CMA Executive Manager Helen Wilson said "Receipt of NDRRA funding approval will greatly benefit North East Victoria. Not only will we be able to commence flood recovery works on waterways impacting essential public assets, but North East CMA will also be recruiting additional support staff to ensure works are completed in an effective and timely manner."
Since the October 2016 flood incident, North East CMA have assessed over 320 sites to determine potential eligibility for funding
under NDRRA. Additional sites that were assessed after the initial funding submission will be included in a second submission to be
lodged in March 2017.
Flood damage has occurred on sites on a number of priority waterways which may not be eligible for NDRRA funding, but may be
eligible under other programs. North East CMA are currently reviewing funding options for these sites. However, North East CMA
also confirmed that, in cases where the site damage is at a low level and/or predominantly impacting private assets, a site may not
be eligible for funding from either NDRRA or other programs at this point.
With regards to this, Ms Wilson said "North East CMA will continue to seek additional funding and will contact impacted landholders
once all funding opportunities have been explored."
North East Victorian landholders and managers impacted by the October 2016 flood event are encouraged to contact North East
CMA via email or phone 1300 216 513, if they have any questions regarding the assessment process or
wish to provide other feedback.