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Catchment Management Authorities Showcase Achievements

Media release

Victoria’s catchment management authorities (CMAs) have had another strong year, delivering healthier waterways and catchments, jobs and more liveable communities right across the state.

The recently released 2017-18 Victorian Catchment Management Authorities Actions and Achievements Report highlights the great work done by the ten CMAs.

This includes:

· 5,615ha of native vegetation works completed;
· 96,956 community and landholders working to improve the environment on public and private land;
· over 1,000,000ha of pest plant and animal control completed;
· 818 waterway structures to stabilise banks and improve habitat;
· 717km of fences built or improved; and
· 10,134 requests for permits, licences, leases and planning referrals provided to landholders.

The North East CMA’s Chief Executive Officer Katie Warner said the report showcased the diversity of projects and partnerships that CMAs undertake to help improve the resilience of communities and landscapes.

Key actions and achievements for the North East CMA include:

• Leading the delivery of $9.4 million worth of works at over 70 sites to stabilise waterways for the protection of public assets including major highways, local bridges, culverts and roads with funding from the Commonwealth and Victorian Government National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements. During 2017/18 works were undertaken at 54 sites damaged by the 2016 floods that affected the region.

• Worked with North Central and Goulburn Broken CMAs, Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation and Taungurung Clans Aboriginal Corporation to establish joint consultation groups, allowing streamlined CMA consultation with Registered Aboriginal Parties who are traditional owners across the three CMAs.

• Supported 22 landholders and 37 community groups with grants and incentives, through Victorian Government Landcare and Waterway Health programs. Investment will deliver approximately 29km of fencing to protect over 270ha of riparian areas from livestock, 78ha of native revegetation, installation of five nest boxes, 23 off-stream watering points, 160ha of weed control, 104 field days and training events and 21 publications.

• Facilitated collaborative planning processes with the Upper, Mid and Lower Ovens communities to establish conservation actions plans and identify investment priorities for recreational access, biodiversity and waterway management and commenced implementation of priorities.

• Collaborated with Parks Victoria in the delivery of the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program funded Victorian Alpine Protection Project to remove 123 deer and treat over 500ha of weeds in the Alpine National Park. The project also employed two Aboriginal Field Services Officers for six months to work on-country with Parks Victoria.

The report highlights the many projects that have been completed to improve waterway and catchment health as a result of the Victorian Government’s $222 million Water for Victoria investment. This investment also includes $22 million to support the Our Catchments Our Communities strategy that helps form better partnerships between government and community to deliver better on-ground outcomes.

Download the full report at: necma.vic.gov.au/About-Us/Publications/Reports/Actions-and-Achievements-Reports

Author: Anonym

Categories: News, Media ReleaseNumber of views: 5195

