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Rural Drainage Project Underway

11 December 2018

Landholders in the Rutherglen region are being approached by the North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) to assist with the assessment of historical drainage infrastructure and formal drainage systems in the region. The project will work with landholders to develop rural drainage management plans for the formal drainage systems at Gooramadda, Carlyle, Lilliput, Brimin and Boorhaman, within the Black Dog Creek district.

During wet years, the flat plains country around the Rutherglen region can remain saturated for a long time. Many of these areas were originally swamp lands that were drained to increase the productivity of the land. New-comers to the region have sometimes been surprised when their previously dry land becomes inundated and the wetland features come to life with plants and birds.

The Rural Drainage Project is identifying the formal historical rural drainage systems and the assets along them, as well as the landholders who benefit from their function. The focus will be on the five drainage systems. Landholders will be invited to participate in the development of Drainage Management Plans that will allow these drainage assets to be managed and maintained more easily.

Phill Falcke, Rural Drainage Project Officer at the North East CMA, said that developing Drainage Management Plans for these systems would help to improve management by reducing confusion and conflict when works and maintenance needed to be carried out.

“By developing clear plans with roles and responsibilities, landholders will have supporting documents and arrangements to enable them to manage the drains without creating conflict. That can only be good for everyone involved,” Mr Falcke said.

This project follows the release of the Victorian Rural Drainage Strategy in October 2018 as one of 11 pilot projects being rolled out across the state to support landholders to manage rural drainage.

The Rural Drainage Project runs until July 2019. North East CMA staff will be out and about in the district during this time to assess historic rural drainage infrastructure and to conduct community meetings with landholders on each of the five drainage systems that are part of the project.

For further information about the project please contact Phillip Falcke, Project Officer at the North East CMA, on 0429 400 411.


Photo: a concrete drop structure positioned at the northern end of the Gooramadda Drainage System near Up River Road.

Author: Anonym

Categories: News, Media ReleaseNumber of views: 5245

