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Thowgla Creek Flood Recovery Works

17 December 2018

The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) has recently undertaken works at Thowgla Creek, Corryong, to repair bank erosion threatening the Murray Valley Highway bridge. The CMA also removed a number of large old collapsing black and crack willows that were causing blockages in the stream immediately upstream of the bridge and creating erosion issues. 

The removal of the willows will decrease the future threat to the bridge from the collapsing trees, debris and bank erosion in times of high flow.

The works are funded through the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangement (NDRRA) program and additional Victorian State Government funding for the revegetation works. This site is one of the final sites to be completed before the NDRRA program concludes in June 2019.

Kelly Behrens, Manager Program Implementation with the North East CMA said “The site does look quite different with rock on the bank and the collapsing willows removed, but the site will recover well once revegetated and people will have much better access to the creek.”  

Revegetation at the site will occur next winter to provide additional stabilisation to the bank.

For further information please contact the North East CMA on 1300 216 513.

Author: Anonym

Categories: News, Media ReleaseNumber of views: 5287

