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Getting livestock businesses back on track

Are you a grazier affected by the recent bushfires and seeking advice to help get your business back on track?

Primary producers in fire-affected areas in North East Victoria can receive up to three, free one-on-one sessions with a local farm management consultant to help put their livestockbusinesses back on track. 

Through the Back to Business program funded by Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA),sheep, cattle and goat producers in a fire affected postcode can apply for the Back to Business program. They will also need to show they have been affected by the fires. 

North East CMA leading bushfire recovery in Victorian Alps

An estimated one billion native animals perished in the horrendous bushfires that engulfed South East Australia including much of North East Victoria. Native animal populations will need considerable assistance in coming months to recover, particularly on the back of severe drought conditions.

Community input at heart of Greta West Weir Redesign

The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) has advised that community input will be at the forefront of the re-design of the aging and degraded Greta West Weir on Fifteen Mile Creek.

Online climate modelling tool successfully launched in North East

Following an intense six months’ work with agriculture industry groups and local government, the North East Catchment Management Authority’s (CMA) Embedding Climate Adaptation in Agriculture (ECAiA) program was formally launched in Myrtleford last month by Dr Helen Haines, MP.

Lights Off for Moths (and Possums!)

The North East Catchment Management Authority is joining Zoos Victoria in a call for Australians to turn off unnecessary outside lights, to help save one of the nation’s most adorable, but critically endangered species - the Mountain Pygmy-possum.

