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Conservation pays - landholders invited to help endangered woodland birds

A Bush for  Birds  Round 2  funding  opportunity  has  been announced that  will  help landholders  in North East  Victoria  create  and improve  habitat  for  Regent  Honeyeaters  and Swift  Parrots,  two  nationally endangered birds.

As  part  of  the  Bush for  Birds  project,  landholders  are  invited to  submit  an  Expression of  Interest  for  funding  by the  18  September 2020.

The homes  of the Regent  Honeyeater  (Anthochaera phrygia)  and  the  Swift Parrot (Lathamus  discolor)  are  under  threat  due  to extensive land  clearing  in southern Australia  over  the  last  150  years.  They face  extinction unless  their  woodland habitat  is  expanded and improved.

Biodiversity  Officer  Phill  Falcke from the North  East  CMA  explained  that  large areas  of suitable habitat  for  these birds  are  found on private  land.  

“The  project  is  paying  farmers  and landholders  to  restore  and expand  areas  of  native  woodland.  If  managed well  these areas  can provide  benefits  for  woodland birds  and improve  land value.”  

“There  are  a range  of  activities  that  can  be  funded to  help landholders  improve  remnant  habitat  including  fencing,  weed control, remnant  woodland  restoration, and  planting  of  new  trees”  Phill  said.  

“We’re  looking  for  project  sites  that  are  5  hectares  in  size  or more as  bigger  blocks  provide the best  habitat.  If  you’ve  got  a  patch of  remnant  bushland  or  scattered trees  or  would like  to revegetate  an  area linking  to some  bushland, we’d  love  to hear  from  you”.

The  North East  CMA  is  delivering  this  project  in partnership  with Trust  for  Nature.   So  far  37  private  landholder  sites  across  North East  Victoria  have  already been supported to  improve  habitat  through the  Bush  for  Birds  project.  The  project  also  aims  to  increase by 200  hectares  the  area  of  land permanently protected for  biodiversity by establishing  in-perpetuity conservation covenants.

Bush for  Birds  is  supported by  the  North East  Catchment  Management  Authority (CMA)  through funding  from  the  Australian Government’s  National  Landcare  Program. Expressions  of  Interest  in the  next  round of  grant  funding  began  on  20 July  and  will  close  on  18 September.  Details  on  what types  of sites  are eligible  and  the criteria  for  assessments  is  available on  the North  East  CMA  website.

For  further  information or  to  apply online,  visit  our  website  at  www.necma.vic.gov.au  or  call  Phill  on  0429 400 411.


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