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Thursday, 4 November 2021

North East landcare groups among Victorian Landcare Grant recipients

Twenty-six north east Victorian landcare groups will receive up to $30,000 in project grants and 10 groups will receive $500 support grants in the Victorian Landcare Grants for 2021.

The Victorian Government provides funding to support Landcare and environmental volunteering groups and networks for on-ground works, education, and capacity building projects that protect, enhance, and restore our land and natural environment.

A total of $4.09 million was provided for 206 project grants and 282 support grants across Victoria in 2021.

Grants were awarded to Landcare and environmental volunteering groups and networks that have a focus on on-ground land and natural environment improvement work.

This includes Landcare groups and networks, ‘Friends of’ groups, Conservation Management Networks, Committees of Management, Coastcare groups, and Aboriginal groups and organisations working on Country.

Project grants are for on-ground works, capacity building activities, community education and engagement that protects, or improves natural assets such as native vegetation, native fauna, waterways, wetlands, and soils.

Support grants are for assistance with costs such as insurance, incorporation and operational needs, or meetings and events or newsletters, websites, and other communication.

Projects will be completed by 30 November 2022.

North East CMA

Project Grants (Up to $30,000)
Baranduda Landcare Native Vegetation and Threatened Species Monitoring Enhancement Baranduda
Beechworth Urban Landcare Lake Side Rehabilitation Beechworth
Carboor Bobinawarrah Landcare Supporting Native Flora and Fauna on Farms in Conjunction with Increased Productivity Meadow Creek
Edi Black Range Catchment Group Protecting the King River catchment Edi Upper
Eldorado Community Volunteers Eldorado Community Connecting to Nature Eldorado
Greta Valley Landcare Rejuvenating vintage revegetation sites in the Greta Valley Wangaratta
Honey Suckle-Spring Creek Honey Suckle Spring Creek Landcare: A group restart, environmental works and engagement program. Tallangatta Valley
Indigo Valley Landcare Building community capacity to protect and restore the land and environment in Indigo Creek catchment Barnawartha
Kergunyah Landcare group Demonstration site: Rehydrating the Landscape in the Dederang  Kergunyah South
Koetong Landcare A partnership approach to managing and protecting the natural values of the Koetong Shelley area Koetong 
Mitta to Murray Landcare Protecting and enhancing aquatic ecosystems in the Mitta 2 Murray region Mitta Mitta
Mitta Valley Landcare Mitta Valley Landcare, revegetation, engagement and chemical users course program Tallangatta East
Myrtleford and District Landcare and Sustainability Engaging Our Community in the Diversity of Landcare Myrtleford
North East Blackberry Action Group Enabling land restoration and rehabilitation for water quality and habitat protection in the Upper Murray Shelley
Parklands Albury-Wodonga Climate adapted plantings across Wodonga Regional Park Gateway Island
Rutherglen Landcare Increasing native habitat around Rutherglen Brimin
Springhurst and Byawatha Hills Landcare Group Growing agricultural and environmental connections in our community Springhurst
Stanley Landcare Improving landscape qualities through combining cool burning with greater knowledge of forest elements, Stanley Plateau Stanley
Swamps, Rivers and Ranges Inc. Engage, connect and appreciate - The value of citizen science volunteers in North East Victoria Wangaratta
Upper Ovens Valley Landcare Group Living with Deer in the Upper Ovens Valley Bright
Wangaratta Landcare and Sustainability Sharing cultural knowledge on country Wangaratta
Warby Ranges Landcare Enhancing Remnant Vegetation and Establishing New Paddock Trees Wangaratta
Wises Creek-Talgarno Wises Creek - Talgarno Landcare group continue to plant and rehabilitate the land. Talgarno
Wodonga Urban Landcare Network 22,000 Trees for 2022: Community Trees Challenge Wodonga
Wodonga Urban Landcare Network Gardens for Wildlife: Inspiring Residents to Create Space for Nature Gateway Island
Wooragee Landcare Protecting Precious Remnants and Engaging our Growing Community Wooragee
Support grants ($500 each)
Benambra Dinner Plain Omeo Landcare Group Benambra
Bryant's Gap Landcare Group Tallangatta
Burgoigee Creek Landcare Group Bowmans Forest
Dederang Primary School Junior Landcare Group Dederang
Friends of Willow Park Inc Wodonga
Hodgson and Horseshoe Creeks Landcare Group Everton Upper
Kiewa / Tangambalanga / Bonegilla Landcare Group Tangambalanga
Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups Inc Tawonga South
North East and Surrounds Equine Landcare Chiltern
Whorouly Landcare Group Inc Whorouly South

Categories: General, News, Media ReleaseNumber of views: 1722

