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Community Landcare & Agriculture Leadership Program 2016


The Community Landcare and Agriculture Leadership program is a 7 day program designed specifically for those involved in landcare and natural resource management (NRM). The program covers community leadership, conflict resolution, governance, community capacity & resilience, and trends in the NRM sector.  

The program offers a fantastic opportunity to increase your networks, as well as your ability to not only be a leader in the community but to become more confident in your everyday life. 

This year the program is open to applicants in the Goulburn Broken and North East CMA regions and is being delivered by the Alpine Valleys Community Leadership Program in partnership with the Fairley Leadership program.

The program will run over 7 sessions (5 one day sessions plus a 2 day field trip) from March to June 2016 to be held approximately 3-4 weeks apart, working 
with the region’s most outstanding leaders. 

The skills, tools, insights and strategies that program graduates gain make them exemplary employees and managers, and visionary leaders within their workplace and in the greater community.

The cost of the course is heavily subsidised at just $220 per person (full cost is $2000 per person). This covers all course resources, the field trip and catering. 

The program is sponsored by the North East CMA and Goulburn Broken CMA with funding from the Austalian Government's National Landcare Program.

Applications for the program have been extended until Friday 26 February 2016. Places are limited.

Information flyer for Landcare and Agriculture Leadership Program  

Application form for Landcare and Agriculture Leadership Course

Image: AVCLP 2015, Graduating class 2015

Author: Anonym

Categories: News, TrainingNumber of views: 11964

