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Introducing the Sustainable Landscapes Program

Meet the team

To coordinate the delivery of this project and others like it, the North East CMA has recently formed a new Sustainable Landscapes Program and team of staff specifically to support sustainable, productive and adaptive land management in our region. The team have extensive knowledge and practical application of sustainable agriculture, strategic planning, waterway management, community engagement and revegetation projects that provide a unique opportunity to support groups and individuals with extension expertise and technical support.

Ashley Rogers, Manager Sustainable Landscapes – Leads the team, develops funding applications with partners, chair of the Sustainable Landscape Advisory Committee and co-ordinates the implementation of the Ovens Murray Drought Resilience Plan. 

Lachlan Campbell, Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator – Supporting farmers and industry groups to access new information and build capacity, provides support to the Sustainable Irrigation Program and the Carbon Outreach Project. 

Sally Day, Senior Project Officer – Managing the Climate Smart Agriculture program across the catchment, including working with groups and landholders to create onground change, build climate resilience and improve the management of on-farm natural assets. 

The Program will coordinate the delivery of funding and activities across multiple project areas including sustainable agriculture, irrigation, climate adaptation, natural capital and carbon management on farms. The Program focuses on building community capacity and delivering on-ground action to increase the adoption of productive, sustainable and adaptive land management principles.  

Our goal is to provide the best outcomes for our communities from the funding opportunities that we have available and to do this we need to work together. The Program will deliver integrated environmental, cultural, social and economic outcomes by working collaboratively with partners, including land managers, Traditional Owners/First Nations Peoples, Landcare and not-for-profit groups, agencies, local government, Australian and State government departments.  

We expect to work closely with partners to maximise program delivery and engagement, leverage knowledge and networks across projects, and to increase the scale and consistency of on-ground action across the catchment.  

And it doesn’t stop there, because we know that the real wins can only be achieved by working hand in hand with individual land managers right across our region. Smart capital investment on farms can lead to multiple outcomes for farm production and biodiversity, and these individual contributions can culminate in huge benefits for the protection of our unique and precious natural assets across the wider landscape.  

We are excited to be working in partnership with the community to support practical action in soil health, shelterbelts, enhancing farm dams, grazing management, perennial pastures, fodder and everything in between!  

We invite you to get involved in our events and grant programs and would encourage you to reach out to us for support if you need it. We are actively looking for funding opportunities to support our agricultural producers and small rural property holders in the region, so please let us know how we can work with you to maximise outcomes for your farm and our region. 

For further information please contact Sally Day on 0488 576 533 or sally.day@necma.vic.gov.au

Left to right: Sally Day, Lachlan Campbell, Ashley Rogers. Photo: Lisa Farnsworth.

Author: Natalie Ord

Categories: NewsNumber of views: 52

