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Share Your Flood Memories to Help Protect Wangaratta

Wangaratta residents are being asked to share photos of past flooding as a study of the town’s urban waterways moves to the next phase.

The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) and Rural City of Wangaratta are jointly reviewing flood mapping for Wangaratta and updating flood intelligence for use in emergency response.

Their investigation will give the Wangaratta community a better understanding of flood risk, which will improve land-use planning, flood emergency planning and response, and community preparation.

A community information session regarding the flood study will be held at Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre on Wednesday 11th May at 10am - 1pm. RSVP by 9th May to Rebecca Damm on 02 6043 7694.

North East CMA Project Officer, Ms Rebecca Damm, is asking locals to share photos of past flood events to help ‘ground truth’ the level and extent of past flooding.

Digital images can be emailed to wangfloodstudy@necma.vic.gov.au along with the name of the photographer and statement providing permission for the image to be freely reproduced.

“As part of this study, Water Technology is undertaking technical assessments and analysis to replace out-dated data last collected from 1996-98,” said Rebecca

“There have been 25 floods in the past 50 years, including 10 in the last three years. By viewing historical photos we can ensure that our mapping and understanding of flooding around Wangaratta is as accurate as possible," said Rebecca "Local flood knowledge is extremely valuable,"

“People can safely leave their printed photos at The Chronicle in Wangaratta. We know that memories are precious so will scan and return all images. If people have digital images they can email them to us at wangfloodstudy@necma.vic.gov.au ."

The new flood mapping will provide high quality, current flood intelligence data that will be included in the Municipal Flood Emergency Plan and local flood guides. To do this, the flood intelligence will be required to cover a range of possible flood events as opposed to the previous focus on just one-in-one-hundred year events. The updated mapping will provide action guidance for authorities for these events.

Some Wangaratta residents contributed ideas and information for use in the study at a community briefing held in January and the study leaders hope residents will continue to share their experiences of flooding.

Anyone wishing to contribute information to the flood study can call 1800 428 919 (free call) or email wangfloodstudy@necma.vic.gov.au

For more info: go to www.necma.vic.gov.au or contact North East CMA Project officer, Rebecca Damm on 1300 216 513

Author: Anonym

Categories: NewsNumber of views: 10931

