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Draft Regional Floodplain Management Strategy Public Consultation NOW OPEN

Have your say by August 31

North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is leading the development of the North East Regional Floodplain Management Strategy (RFMS) in partnership with key stakeholders and agencies involved in floodplain management and emergency management. Feedback is sought by 31 August on the Draft Strategy either via an online survey or by attending one of the community sessions.

A community drop-in session is being held in Wangaratta on Tuesday 14 August, from 10am to 12 noon at Wangaratta Library Community Room, 21 Docker St.

Another session will be held in Myrtleford on Tuesday 21 August, from 10am to 12 noon at Club Savoy, 252-254 Myrtle St.

North East CMA Floodplain Specialist, Tim Loffler, said the draft strategy has been informed by specialist knowledge within the North East CMA, information collected from the most recent flood events and consultation with key stakeholders such as local councils and the State Emergency Service. The strategy’s purpose is to provide a single, regional planning document for floodplain management, including a regional work plan to guide future investment priorities.

Comment is being sought on the vision and objectives for the strategy, on whether we have captured all the floodplain values, the management issues, risks and actions to address the risks.

“We’re aware that it’s a large, technical document, however we have also produced summary documents for each local government area,” said Mr Loffler.

The draft strategy and a feedback survey can be accessed online at http://www.necma.vic.gov.au/Solutions/Floodplains-Waterways/Floodplain-management/Regional-Floodplain-Management-Strategy

Copies are also available by calling the North East Catchment Management Authority on 1300 216 513.


Author: Anonym

Categories: News, Media ReleaseNumber of views: 4910

