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Friday, 14 December 2018

Permit Fees Waived for Flood Works on Waterways

Due to the flash flooding in the region the North East CMA is aware that many people will be keen to undertake works on waterways over the next few months to remove blockages and undertake repairs to access crossings and other assets.

To help landholders and land managers in the region, the North East CMA will waive the application fee ($120) for works on waterways permits until 30 June 2019, for all applications associated with flash flooding recovery works.

All works and activities in, under, on or over the bed and banks of designated waterways in Victoria require a permit from the relevant Catchment Management Authority.

This process is to enable works to happen while ensuring that the works do not adversely affect the health and values of our regional waterways.

More information, and the application form, can be found at: https://www.necma.vic.gov.au/About-Us/Programs-Initiatives/Undertake-Works-on-Waterways

See also the flood debris management information sheet.

Author: Anonym

Categories: NewsNumber of views: 5132

