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Biodiversity Action in the Kiewa Valley

8 February 2019

Photo: A family of sugar gliders in a nestbox.


Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups are calling for landholders interested in undertaking action on their properties in the Kiewa valley to protect biodiversity over the next three years to join their new project. 

Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups Inc in partnership with the North East Catchment Management Authority have received funding from the Victorian Government’s Biodiversity Response Planning for a three year program to improve habitat and connectivity for threatened woodland birds and mammals of the Kiewa Valley.

This project will help with funding to assist landholders to undertake rabbit harbour destruction, woody weed control and revegetation in the project area to protect and improve biodiversity.

Landholders in the Kiewa catchment with remnant vegetation on their land are encouraged to consider the project criteria, area of focus, and complete an expression of interest. 

Biodiversity Response Planning is a new area-based planning approach to biodiversity conservation in Victoria. It is designed to strengthen alignment, collaboration and participation between government agencies, Traditional Owners, non-government agencies (NGOs) and the community.

This project is part of the $86.3 million investment to implement Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037 over the first four years of the plan.

Information and an expression of interest form are available on the Kiewa Catchment Landcare Group website (http://bit.ly/kiewabrp) or by contacting the Project Officer, Belinda Pearce, on 0400 880 872 or email: bodiversity@kiewacatchmentlandcare.org.au.

Author: Anonym

Categories: News, Media ReleaseNumber of views: 5689

