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Flood Recovery Response

Update 10 January 2019

The 13 December rainfall event was localised on the mid-catchment tributaries of the Ovens River between Wangaratta and Beechworth.

Most impacted systems were Hodgsons Creek at Tarrawingee, Horseshoe Creek at Everton, Reedy Creek, Burgoigee Creek, Yellow Creek and Crabhole Creek. It was a very rare rainfall event, significantly larger than any known historic floods in the area. Yet the Ovens River did not reach even a minor flood level.

During a flood the North East CMA is a support agency, providing information about the flood to the Victorian State Emergency Service (SES) and collating new flood data. Flood data is used to inform flood related plans and to assist the SES in flood events. North East CMA staff have undertaken flood pegging at 54 sites across Tarrawingee, Everton, Reedy Creek and Burgoigee Creek.

After a flood event the North East CMA provides landholders and managers with advice to help them manage impacts along waterways and develops and implements programs to respond to impacts where there is public benefit.

The North East CMA is currently:

- Assessing damage along waterways and the clean up of high priority sites and major waterway blockages. To date this has included waiving the fees for works on waterways permits for flood related works (read more here).

- Providing advice to landholders on how to manage and repair damage as well as information about the current funding arrangements, which are different to those in place for past floods

- Fast tracking works on waterways permits, with permits issue to Vic Roads, Rural City of Wangaratta and a number of landholders prior to Christmas to undertake debris removal.

- Undertaking site assessments including to North East CMA rock chutes in Hodgson's Creek, which protect public bridges.

The North East CMA has also supported local councils to access Landmate crews to assist with works.

Contact the North East CMA on 1300 216 513 for further information and to report damage to waterways.
Author: Anonym

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