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Sunday, 5 May 2019

Rural drainage improvements a priority for North East CMA

Rural drainage improvements a priority for North East Catchment Management Authority

For many North East landowners, wet winters highlight the importance of well-functioning drainage systems in helping businesses and lives return to normal as quickly as possible.

The Rural Drainage Project, delivered by the North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) with funding from the Victorian Government, is a project aiming to help North East landholders better understand their choices in managing rural drainage, and guide the program of future maintenance or works for each system.

As part of this important project, the North East CMA is focusing on the systems known as Gooramadda Drain, Carlyle Drain, Escourt Bridge Road Drain and Drop Structure, Colvin-Brimin Drain, and Carmody’s Drain.

Phill Falcke, Rural Drainage Project Officer, North East CMA, said, ‘We are currently gathering information on these drainage systems including their extent, management histories, infrastructure, and required maintenance, which will assist us to work with relevant landowners and agencies to develop Drainage Management Plans.’

‘It is recognised there are areas where landholders would like to more actively manage the drains. The drainage management plans, if adopted, will enable maintenance works to be carried out more readily when needed.’, Mr Falcke said.

Landowners with properties adjoining the five key rural drainage systems at Gooramadda, Carlyle, Norong, Brimin and Boorhaman East in the Rutherglen region recently provided helpful information and in particular history for the development of the drainage management plans, by attending community drop-in meetings held by the North East CMA in late March. The meetings were extremely successful, with 60 people attending over two days.

Mr Falcke said, "The aim of the meetings was for those with a direct interest in the function of the drainage systems to have input into the management plans". Mr Falcke said that he was still keen to gather input from those who missed or did not have the opportunity to attend the meetings. "If your property benefits or is affected by these drains, then we want to hear from you".

‘If you received a letter from us but were unable to attend the community meetings please contact me directly’.

For further information, please contact Phill Falcke, Project Officer at the North East CMA on 0429 400 411.

Author: Katie Bowker

Categories: News, Media ReleaseNumber of views: 5164

