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Environmental Seasonal Watering Plan 2019-20

About the seasonal watering plan

The seasonal watering plan shows the potential environmental watering that could occur during the year in each waterway system using water available under all environmental water entitlements held in Victoria. This includes water available under the VEWH's environmental water entitlements and water held by other environmental water holders.

The plan is released by 30 June each year and details information for systems of rivers, creeks, wetlands and floodplains. This includes details about environmental objectives, the potential environmental watering to occur and the amount of water to be delivered under a range of weather condition scenarios - dry, average and wet. Nature doesn't keep to strict timelines, so some potential environmental watering scoped in a seasonal watering plan may begin before, or continue beyond, the year of the plan.

Opportunities to use water for the environment to provide additional opportunities for social, recreational and cultural benefits are also considered, where possible.

The Seasonal Watering Plan is a demonstration of the ongoing commitment of our program partners - waterway managers, storage managers and land managers - to achieve the best possible outcomes from water for the environment.

Click here to view the Seasonal Watering Plan 2019-20

Click here to download the Northern Region plan

Author: Katie Bowker

Categories: NewsNumber of views: 4920

