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Seeking comment on Sustainable Irrigation Plan

The North East Catchment Management Authority is seeking feedback from the community and other stakeholders on the draft North East Sustainable Irrigation Plan 2019-2024 (the Plan).

Calling for Awards Nominations and Favourite Place

The North East Catchment Management Authority is calling for nominations for the North East Natural Resource Management Awards for 2016, and contributions to the 'My Favourite Place' photo story competition.

Woolshed Gorge Investigation

Information following reports of potential contamination of Spring Creek from fire water and residue associated with the recent Beechworth IGA fire.

Landcare Promotional Folders available

The North East CMA has produced a Promotional folder designed for Landcare groups to provide to new members or to handout at events.  These are now available free for groups.

2015 Victorian Landcare Awards Open

Entries for the 2015 Victorian Landcare Awards are now open. If you know an individual or organisation involved in protecting or improving our local environment, farm, bushland, wetland, waterway, school, region, catchment or backyard, there is a category in this year’s awards to suit.

