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Have your say on the King River Rehabilitation Plan

Community input is being sought on a Rehabilitation Plan that will guide future investment to maintain the King River as a key environmental, economic and social asset for north east Victoria.

The Plan is being developed to address damage from recent flooding and to understand the future impacts of climate change such as more frequent and severe weather events.

Phill Falcke, the Project Officer responsible for leading the development with the North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) said: “We are seeing significant damage caused more often by flooding from extreme weather events.

“This Plan will identify the most vulnerable areas, examine our methods of management and stewardship, and help us prepare and prioritise future actions that will guide government investment into the King River as it becomes available.”

Victoria's CMAs win prestigious National Banksia Award

Vic Catchments, the peak body for Victoria’s ten Catchment Management Authorities has won the Nature Positive category of the 35th National Banksia Sustainability Awards.


