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Ovens Murray Drought Resilience Plan

The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) has recently received funding from the Future Drought Fund’s Regional Drought Resilience Planning Program (jointly funded by the Australian and Victorian Governments) to develop a 12-month implementation plan by 31 March 2025 and coordinate funding for implementation activities for the following 12 months (until April 2026). The total funding pool available for activities is $300,000. 

We are seeking feedback from farmers, agricultural industries, community organisations, Traditional Owners and government on priority focus areas and activities for the 12-month implementation plan. This feedback will guide allocation of implementation funding. 

Expressions of interest now open to join North East CMA’s Sustainable Landscapes Advisory Committee

The North East CMA is seeking to establish the Sustainable Landscapes Advisory Committee. The primary purpose of the Advisory Committee is to provide broad representation of the different agricultural industries, local landscapes and communities, and various industry/organisations involved in land management and climate resilience in the Ovens Murray and North East CMA regions.

The Committee will provide strategic guidance on priorities, engagement and delivery process for North East CMA projects. This includes two new projects: the Ovens Murray Drought Resilience Plan implementation and the Climate Smart Agriculture in North-East Victoria. Other projects include the Sustainable Irrigation Program, Carbon Outreach Program and the Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator role.  

