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Fishways Project set to be a win-win

The North East CMA will work in partnership with DELWP and Parks Victoria to reconstruct two vehicle Crossing on the Ovens River at Frosts Crossing and McQuades Bend.

Help shape drought support -Victorian Government is asking for your feedback

The Victorian Government is inviting public feedback on how to best support drought affected communities. As part of the $27 million drought package announced in November, an online forum is providing an opportunity to comment on what other support can be provided to make a different for those affected by drought.


NECMA response - Barnawartha & Indigo Valley fire

In response to the Barnawartha / Indigo Creek fire event, North East CMA has undertaken initial field assessments of priority waterways within the fire impacted area in coordination with emergency response agencies. Based on preliminary assessment the fire has impacted the Upper reaches of Black Dog Creek, isolated parts of Indigo Creek and adjacent catchment areas.

We have provided a NECMA Update in response to this event and are assisting in the coordination of a fodder drop in the area.

Funding announcement to support innovative land management practices

The North East Catchment Management Authority is pleased to announce that four local groups will share $30,000 in Mentor Farm grants funded by the Australian Government's National Landcare Programme.

The successful projects will receive funding for a range of activities that will support land managers within the North East CMA region to develop innovative ways of managing their land.

Flood study flows into next phase

The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) and Rural City of Wangaratta are pleased to announce that Water Technology has recently been appointed as the successful consultant to deliver the technical investigation of the Wangaratta Urban Waterways Flood Investigation Project.

The Wangaratta Urban Flood Investigation will review and revise current flood mapping for the Wangaratta urban Waterways and update flood intelligence for emergency response.


