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New online facility makes bore applications easier and faster

Landholders and bore drillers can now apply online for a water bore licence through a new service on the Victorian Water Register.

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and rural water corporations have developed this initiative, which will make it easier, faster and cheaper to apply for licences to build water bores for domestic and stock use, investigation and observation.

Landcare Promotional Folders available

The North East CMA has produced a Promotional folder designed for Landcare groups to provide to new members or to handout at events.  These are now available free for groups.

2015-16 Event Funding Program is NOW OPEN in the Alpine Shire

The Alpine Shire Council has set aside funds to provide financial assistance to event organisers in the 2015-16 financial year. The funding is available in the form of sponsorship or logistical support. Any event organiser seeking Council assistance to stage an event in the Alpine Shire is encouraged to submit an application, including those only requesting logistical or in-kind support. Go to the Alpine Shire Council website for further information.

Thanks to our Landcare Volunteers

As part of National Volunteer Week this week we are recognising all those volunteers who have contributed many hours of voluntary work and who make such a difference in our community. The release of the 2013-14 Landcare report card today is just one example of the contribution made by volunteers and the extent of achievements made through Landcare and community groups.

Green Army Team to plant around the Pondage in Mt Beauty

During May the Green Army team will plant some 800 native and deciduous trees planted on the southern foreshore of the Mt Beauty Regulating Pondage and along the western banks of the West Kiewa Power Station’s tailrace channel.

 The Upper Kiewa River Restoration Project is supported by the Australian Government’s Green Army Programme. The North East Catchment Management Authority is the host agency with Conservation Volunteers Australia delivering the on-ground component of the project with a number of local partners. The find out more about the Green Army and the next round of applicants visit www.environment.gov.au/green-army.


