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We Have Moved

The North East CMA Wodonga office has now moved.  Our office location is now Level 1, 104 Hovell Street.  All other contact details remain the same.

Climate and Water Outlook

The Bureau of Meteorology has developed this monthly Climate and Water Outlook video which covers rainfall, streamflow and temperature for the next three months and beyond.

To view the video click here BOM Climate and Water Outlook


Small Rural Property Guide Available

The North East Regional Landcare Facilitator project has produced this guide which includes information on common land management issues, where to get further information and a very useful local contacts guide. This guide is available to download or as a hard copy.

Notice of making of the By-Law No. 2014/01 Waterways Protection North East Catchment Management Authority

By resolution of 22 July 2014 the North East Catchment Management Authority under section 287ZC of the Water Act 1989 made By-Law No. 2014/01 Waterways Protection. 


The purpose of the by-law is to make provision for:


(a)    the control, management and authorisation of works and activities in, under, on or over designated waterways and designated works;


(b)   the protection and care of designated waterways and designated land or works;


(c)    conservation and preservation of flora, fauna and habitat in designated waterways and designated land or works.


The by-law is made using the Waterways Protection Model By-law made by the Minister for Water under section 287ZB of the Water Act 1989 on 20 February 2014.


See below for an electronic copy or a hard copy is also available for inspection during the ordinary business hours of the Authority, free of charge, at the North East Catchment Management Authority offices at

Earthworms and Dung Beetles - the unseen heroes of our soil

You may not realise it but there is a silent underground army working around the clock to bury dung throughout North East Victoria.  The Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups, with support from the North East Regional Landcare Facilitator recently hosted a field day with Dr Graeme Stevenson - a great advocate of dung beetles. Dung beetles have great benefits for the environment and help improve soil fertility and soil structure as well as increase the availability of grazing area, increase pasture production, improve water quality and reduce pest species associated with livestock.

