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There's a lot happening in our backyard!


The North East Catchment Management Authority wants to protect and enhance our region's precious land, water and biodiversity resources for current and future generations.

The heartbeat of our work is supporting community-led practice change. That's why we encourage new ideas, share research and solutions, promote innovation, help people and groups to connect, and identify funding opportunities that can help to protect and enhance land, water and biodiversity in our catchment.



Lower Ovens Flows Study

Updating the Lower Ovens Environmental Flow Recommendations, Considering Changes in Climate.

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Uncovering the Ovens

North East Catchment Management Authority’s ‘Uncovering the Ovens’ is one of ten state-wide Flagship Waterways projects made possible through ‘Water for Victoria’ and the Victorian Government’s $222 million investment in waterway and catchment health. These large-scale, long-term restoration projects have been identified as priorities for action through consultation with communities and key stakeholders.

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King River Rehabilitation Plan

The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is developing a Rehabilitation Plan for the King River. This Plan will use existing and new information to guide future investment in and along the river as it becomes available. Central to developing the plan is capturing community and stakeholder concerns, priorities, and aspirations, for the King River. Engagement of the community and stakeholders in the project is being led by the CMA with support from Water Technology.

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Upper Mitta Mitta Flagship Project

The Upper Mitta Mitta catchment is a priority due to its important contribution to the Murray-Darling Basin (approximately 10% of the basin’s water and Dartmouth Dam), its high level of recreational use (paddling and recreational fishing), and significant environmental values (71 flora species and 28 fauna species which are listed under Victorian and/or Commonwealth legislation, including the Macquarie Perch).

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Farming Carbon 2023 presentations now available

The Farming Carbon conference held in February 2023 aimed to support land managers, agriculture industry groups, Landcare participants, and industry staff in north east Victoria in building their knowledge and understanding of carbon farming systems.

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Bright Fishway Project

A new fishway is being built at Bright to help native fish move more freely along the Ovens River. The $2.6 million project will involve construction of a vertical slot fishway at Bright Weir which is currently a barrier to fish movement.

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Tea Garden Creek Weir Fishway

Construction has begun on a rock ramp fishway on the Ovens River, at the Tea Garden Weir, near Everton. The project, funded by the Victorian Government and the Australian Government’s Commonwealth Environmental Water Office (CEWO), is a partnership between Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) and the North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA).

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Lower Kiewa Catchment Stewardship Project

The Lower Kiewa Catchment Stewardship Project - Connecting People and Landscape, is a three-year project with the objective of coordinating NRM planning and activities, strengthening networks and building capacity of the community and Traditional Owners to improve the health of the lower Kiewa.

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Cross regional Alpine Peatlands protection project

Alpine Peatlands, or Alpine Sphagnum Bogs and Associated Fens, are the focus of a new five-year project that serves to protect and increase the abundance of these unique environments.

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Mountain Pygmy-possum recovery

By 2023, this project aims to have contributed to stabilising or increasing the population of the endangered Mountain Pygmy-possum in all its North Eastern habitats.

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Bush for Birds

Landscape-scale habitat restoration for the Regent Honeyeater and Swift Parrot in North East Victoria.

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Securing North East Soils

This project seeks to promote soil health in North East Victoria by addressing soil acidification and hillslope erosion. This project is supported by the North East Catchment Management Authority, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. The project runs until June 2023.

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2020-21 Bushfire Recovery Program

The North East CMA have been undertaking works on high priority sites in the Upper Murray which have the potential to impact on essential public infrastructure including roads/bridges as well as sites which pose a high risk to river health.

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Building Indigenous community capacity

This project works with the Indigenous community of North East Victoria to build capacity for involvement in natural resource management.

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Regional Bushfire Recovery Biodiversity Project

Over the Black Summer fires in 2019-20, it is estimated more than 30,000ha of North East Victoria was burnt, significantly impacting the environment, our native fauna and flora, and communities. To support the recovery of our native species and landscapes, the North East CMA will continue to work with partners and communities to improve natural resource management practices in the region. This project is supported by the North East CMA through funding from the Australian Government.

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Mitta Mitta River Rehabilitation Project

This project will improve in-stream habitat in the Mitta Mitta River to boost survival rates and provide better spawning opportunities for native species.

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Ovens River Fishways

The Ovens River is set to benefit from a $5.1 million investment through the Victorian Government’s Building Works stimulus package to commission a Rock Ramp Fishway at Goulburn-Murray Water’s Tea Garden Creek Weir at Markwood, and a Vertical Slot Fishway (VSF) at Alpine Shire’s Bright Weir.

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Landcare facilitators

Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitators (RALFs) are working to build the future of sustainable agriculture in Australia. They are out in the community assisting stakeholders and are the key contacts for landcarers to learn about sustainable agriculture.

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Our Catchments Our Communities

These two videos report back on the Our Catchments Our Communities projects undertaken in the Lower Ovens and Upper Mitta Mitta.

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Regional Landcare Support

This project works in conjunction with Catchment Coordinators, Regional Landcare Facilitator & other staff to support Landcare and community groups.

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Indigenous Involvement In Landcare

The CMA has been working to support the development of Indigenous Landcare Groups in the region and across Victoria. This presentation gives an overview of what has been happening.

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The Lower Ovens Floodplain

The lower reach of the Ovens River in Victoria is a little-known gem of the Murray-Darling Basin. The only major floodplain in the southern Basin with a natural flooding and drying regime, the Lower Ovens effectively takes care of itself, contributing clean, filtered water to the Murray River.

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Mitta Mitta Channel Capacity Program

North East CMA project officers are working with the community to address concerns about erosion issues caused by high level flow releases from Dartmouth Dam.

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Tri-State Murray NRM Regional Alliance

The Murray NRM Alliance is working along the River Murray corridor to grow the economy, secure the environment and motivate and inspire the community.

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