The North East CMA have a current program in the proposed project area (Upper Mitta Mitta Flagship Program), and as part of this there is funding of $527k that has been allocated to improving riparian health and access in the Upper Mitta Mitta area as well as securing aquatic species which will focus on the Livingstone Creek. This project is based on delivering community priorities, identified through a Catchment Action plan developed in 2020.
Tea Garden Fishway
This project constructed a full width rock-ramp fishway at Tea Garden Creek weir on the Ovens River, opening an additional 270km of habitat and refuge in a system that supports one of the most significant populations of native fish within the Murray Darling Basin. This project has addressed a key threatening process, being barriers to movement, which is listed in the recovery plans for Silver Perch, Trout Cod, Macquarie Perch, and Murray Cod.

Nariel Creek fish enhancement project
This project has installed several structures to improve fish habitat and bank stability of a key stretch of the Nariel Creek that is significant habitat for native fish. Works undertaken include construction of six hardwood log jams, bed seeding 30 boulders, 300m of fence and revegetation of riparian zone. The project also developed and installed signage about native fish, fishing, and the benefits of habitat interventions.

Cudgewa Creek Fishway Installation
This project addressed the lack of fish connectivity post bushfire between the lower and upper reaches of Cudgewa Creek. The main part of the project was the construction of a rock fishway structure which allowed fish to migrate up and down stream. The project also removed willows, installed fencing, and revegetated the riparian zone.