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Upper Mitta Mitta Flagship Project


     Livingstone Ck and Omeo Hwy, near Omeo Valley Rd.                     Livingstone Creek near the township of Omeo.

The Upper Mitta Mitta catchment is a high priority due to its high level of recreational use, and significant environmental values which includes 71 flora species and 28 fauna species which are listed under Victoria and /or Commonwealth legislation, including the threatened species Macquarie Perch. The Big River and the Mitta Mitta River are declared Heritage Rivers. The Upper Mitta Mitta River catchment is also a priority due to is important contribution to the Murray-Darling Basin (approximately 10% of the basin’s water and Dartmouth Dam).

This Flagship project seeks to protect and improve the condition of the Upper Mitta Mitta River catchment – by addressing priority threats in collaboration with the community, Traditional Owners, land managers and other stakeholders. It also seeks to enhance access to key recreational areas to support economic and social wellbeing and enhance habitat for platypus and the endangered Macquarie Perch.

The project has three activities:

  1. Improving Riparian Health and Access
  2. Headwater Invasive Woody Weed control
  3. Securing Aquatic Species populations

This Flagship project seeks to build on the success of the EC4 Our Catchment Our Communities (OCOC) Integrated Catchment Management initiative, the Upper Mitta Mitta Catchment Action Plan (CAP). This community led Action Plan identified key environmental, social, cultural and economic values and threats, as well as a range of prioritised actions. This project also builds on investment through the EC4 Accelerated Riparian Works program and complements the ‘Bringing back the Macca’s’ project funded through the Nature Fund program.

Project Objectives

  • Improved streamside vegetation structure,
  • Improved stream channel resilience
  • Improving recreational access and opportunities to support economic and social well-being
  • Improving in-stream habitat for platypus and Macquarie Perch

Related documents

See list below to download

Project Partners




Omeo, Benambra and Bairnsdale Angling Clubs

Input is also being sought on project involvement from Traditional Owners/First Nations groups.

This project has a Project Steering Group made up of members from all of the above.

For more information contact:

Project Officer - Rebecca Damm - 0429 785 766 or rebecca.damm@necma.vic.gov.au