A series of online seminars held in October and November 2020 explored climate, demographic and environmental pressures on the availability of, and access to water in North East Victoria.
North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) partnered with the National Landcare Program, La Trobe University and the River Basin Management Society to host the three one-hour lunch-time seminars aimed at exploring the challenges and opportunities related to water yield that impact on North East communities and the environment.
Seminar 1 - The science and truth of future water yield forecasts
Dr Lynette Bettio, Senior Climatologist, Bureau of Meteorology - presentation
Geoffrey Steendam, Senior Manager Hydrology and Climate Science, Water and Catchments - DELWP - presentation
Seminar 2 - Predicting and planning for the impacts of reduced water yield in North East Victoria
Dr Alison King, Principal Research Fellow, Centre Freshwater Ecosystems - La Trobe University - presentation
Jason King - Principal Aboriginal Adviser, Victorian Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions - presentation
Seminar 3 - Adapting and solving the challenges of living in a water constrained environment
Dr Geoff Vietz, Director and Senior Scientist, Streamology - presentation
Rebecca Jhonston - Executive Planning and Infrastructure, North East Water - presentation