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Expressions of Interest for funding under Round 3 are now closed
North east Victorian landholders can apply for funding to create and improve habitat for Regent Honeyeaters and Swift Parrots, two nationally endangered birds.
Expressions of Interest for funding under Round 3 of the Bush for Birds project are now open until 10 September 2021.
The North East CMA is delivering this project in partnership with Trust for Nature. So far, 65 private landholder sites across north east Victoria, covering more than 1800 ha, have already been supported to improve habitat through the Bush for Birds project. The project also aims to increase by 200 ha the area of land permanently protected for biodiversity by establishing in-perpetuity conservation covenants.
Bush for Birds is supported by the North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.
Expressions of Interest in the next round of grant funding opened on 9 August and will close on 10 September. Details on the types of sites that are eligible and the assessment criteria are available below. Please note that additional criteria apply to Round 3.
The full details
For further information call North East CMA project officer Phillip Falcke on 0429 400 411 or email phillip.falcke@necma.vic.gov.au
Listen to Phillip Falcke speak to EdgeFM about the Bush for Birds program
By restoring the quality of remnant bushland and establishing new habitat, the Bush for Birds project is helping to address threats and reverse the long-term decline in populations of the Regent Honeyeater Anthochaera phrygia and Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor. The woodland habitat on which they depend has historically been lost due to land clearing and continues to decline with the ongoing impacts of land degradation.
By getting involved and looking after land for conservation, you can help to make a difference while improving the sustainability of your farm’s productivity!
We are providing funding for the improvement of:
- Remnant vegetation, such as wooded areas and scattered trees, or
- Revegetation - planting new trees and shrubs as new woodland bird habitat.
We’re looking for sites that comprise:
- A minimum 5 hectares of remnant vegetation, OR
- Sites for revegetation that are minimum 1 hectare that are connected to larger remnant areas to make up at least 5 hectares, OR
- Sites where a combination of remnant protection and revegetation activities are proposed that make up at least 5 hectares.
Through our partnership with Trust for Nature, applicants can access a higher rate of funding for choosing to undertake a Conservation Covenant in addition to our standard Management Agreement. Refer to the flyer for details.
Application Process:
- View the Information Brochure.
- Download the EOI Application Form.
- Complete the application form electronically, attach, then email to incentives@necma.vic.gov.au by midnight 10 September 2021.
- A staff member will contact you about your application to clarify further details and determine funding eligibility. If eligible, we will arrange a site assessment of the proposed site.
- Your site will be scored against a set of assessment criteria and ranked against all other eligible applications. Sites for funding will be selected by an Assessment Panel.
- We will contact you to advise the outcome, and if successful you will be asked to enter into a 10-year Management Agreement.
The Bush for Birds Project is supported by the North East CMA, through funding from the Australian Government's National Landcare Program. It is a $5 million five-year project delivered by North East CMA in partnership with Trust for Nature.