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Traditional Owners are important partners in the BushBank program, with opportunities to lead and participate in habitat restoration and carbon markets. $14.5 million will be available via grants to support Aboriginal self-determination and Traditional Owner participation in restoration and carbon markets. Applications close on 15 May 2022.

Applications are now open for the first round of grants totalling $7 million over four years. The grants are designed to address biodiversity loss, climate change and to improve the capacity of Traditional Owners to participate in healing Country, carbon markets and to practice self-determination.

The grants are consistent with Pupangarli Marnmarnepu, DELWP’s Aboriginal Self-Determination Reform Strategy, providing opportunities for First Peoples organisations to increase their ability to achieve self-determination and economic independence through internal capacity building or undertaking on-ground activities that align with their aspirations for Country.

Complete the application form by the closing date and attach any relevant documentation and email it to bushbank.program@delwp.vic.gov.au.

Full details including grant guidelines and application form here