Expressions of Interest for Woody Weed Control and Revegetation Incentives
The North East CMA (NECMA) have secured funding from the Murray–Darling Healthy Rivers Grants program for the ‘Lower Kiewa Critical Habitat Protection and Enhancement Project’.
The lower Kiewa River hosts a strong Murray Cod population and a remnant population of Trout Cod.
The survival/ recovery of native fish species within this reach is threatened by the vast quantities of sand entering the system via Yackandandah Creek largely arising from historic mining activities, land clearing and erosion. The sediment mobilisation has had a profound effect on deep water habitats in the river.
This project seeks to implement a works program to address the loss of deep-water habitat on the lower Kiewa from Kiewa township to the Murray confluence (approx. 25 km) through mechanical willow removal, woody weed control, revegetation and in-stream structural habitat works.
Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups (KCLG) has partnered with NECMA on this project to help deliver non-mechanical woody weed control, revegetation and fencing activities for the reach of the river from Kiewa River to the High Country Rail Trail crossing on the river near Baranduda.
Incentives are now available for landholders along this reach for a fully funded Contractor woody weed control pass (target species such as blackberry, willow, poplar, box elder) or revegetation and fencing activities.
Expressions of interest are now being sought from interested landholders to participate in this program.
Participants must:
- Be located within the target reach – which means having property along the Kiewa River, adjacent anabranches or wetlands between Kiewa township and the High Country Rail Trail crossing at Baranduda.
- Be willing to sign a management agreement providing access for Contractors to undertake weed control works and committing to follow-up maintenance activities or revegetation activities.
- Have all activities completed by 30 October 2023
All EOIs will be assessed and ranked against project criteria. Successful applicants will be contacted and a site visit will be arranged by the KCLG Project Officer in February 2023.
For more information on the project please contact:
Submit your EOI by 5pm, 11 February 2023
Options for returning the form:
- Via email: projects@kclg.org.au with “Lower Kiewa River Incentives EOI” as the subject
- Via mail: Expression of Interest, ATT: Charles Daaboul, 966 Tullimbar St, Albury, 2640
Download the EOI information fact sheet and application form
Download the flyer for the EOIs