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2025-28 Upper Mitta Mitta Waterway Incentives

Closing 22 April 2025


Funding has been made available as part of the Victorian Government’s EC6 Waterway Health Program ‘Upper Mitta Mitta Flagship Program’ from the North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) to assist landholders and community groups to improve the health of waterways and catchments in the Upper Mitta Mitta. The incentives program supports eligible landholders and community groups to improve the condition and extent of riparian land along waterways and wetlands through:
• Improving stock management along waterways.
• Increasing the condition, structure and diversity of native riparian vegetation.
• Increasing the extent and connectivity of native riparian vegetation.
• Reducing the impact of invasive pest plants.

All applications for funding will be assessed on a competitive basis. All works must be completed by 30th November 2027.


The North East CMA is calling for expressions of interest (EOI) from landholders and community groups within the Upper Mitta Mitta Project area (see Figure 1 in info sheet). 

Once your EOI has been received, a North East CMA staff member will undertake a preliminary assessment of your application against eligibility criteria. For eligible sites a site inspection will be arranged to discuss your proposal in more detail or provide an explanation if your EOI does not progress to the next stage.

Applications will be assessed against a scoring system that not only looks at the ecological value of the site and the proposed activities but also at the value for money. The highest-scoring eligible applications will be successful in obtaining funding, however, the CMA reserves the right to select projects that achieve the outputs we are contracted to deliver across the catchment.


Individual landholders and community groups can apply to manage specified sites that are either privately owned or for which they have management rights (such as a Crown land license holder or a Committee of Management on public land) within the Upper Mitta Mitta project area. Priority will be given to landholders with riparian lands/ land adjacent to priority waterways and wetlands.

Download More information on the Upper Mitta Mitta Waterway Incentives

Download EOI (Word)

Download EOI (PDF)

For all enquiries relating to the program contact Rebecca Damm Rebecca.damm@necma.vic.gov.au call 1300 216 513