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Dairy - Sustainable Irrigation Program - North East CMA

The Alpine Valleys dairy industry is critical to the economy of north east Victoria. The Sustainable Irrigation Program, delivered by North East CMA, Dairy Australia and Agriculture Victoria, is looking at how to utilise irrigation water and support the industry's transition to drier conditions, and with irrigation capabilities varying from farm to farm. Funding for this project has been made available by the Victorian Government through the Sustainable Irrigation Program.

Chestnuts - Sustainable Irrigation Program - North East CMA

North East Victoria is the largest growing region for chestnuts in Australia. This new video highlights the industry's involvement in the Sustainable Irrigation Program, delivered by North East CMA and Agriculture Victoria, aimed at looking at the application of irrigation methods in the orchard and maximising the opportunity for water to be utilised and maintain healthy production in a drying climate. Gross domestic production of the crop is estimated at $15 million to $20 million annually. Funding for this project has been made available by the Victorian Government through the Sustainable Irrigation Program.