Victorian Landcare Grants reporting
These grants are delivered through the North East CMA, including administration of reporting.
The annual grants guidelines are published below under each annual headline.
Groups are required to refer to the relevant North East Victorian Landcare Grants Guidelines for information on eligibility, permits and conditions.
Landcare Grant Reporting Forms
Please note that the reporting requirements have changed, as have the final report forms. The final report form is now primarily an expenditure report, with the majority of the project activities detail provided through the Spatial Mapping Portal.
Please use only these report forms below, not the older forms.
Final reporting templates available include:
Important instructions:
- Please complete the relevant FINAL report form for either your project grant or support grant.
- Once completed, post to
Landcare grants
PO Box 616
Wodonga, VIC, 3698
In the e-mail subject field please make sure you include the group name and Case ID (will start with 38-1**** or 201-1****)
Mapping of on ground works.
It is a condition of funding that all on ground works delivered through the Grants are required to be mapped using the CMA Mapping Portal. The mapping now provides the majority of the report content.
Note that guidelines require all on ground and funded activities to be mapped, including events and publications.
If your group is not yet using this system, please contact us to request access and training to enable this recording.
Please use the Contact Us form to request more information.
Click the link below to open to mapping tool