The Strategy commits to preparing a Dryland Rural Drainage Resource Kit to support agencies and landholders to make informed decisions about managing dryland rural drainage.
This kit, originally released alongside the Strategy in 2018, has been significantly updated with more information and learnings from a number of pilot projects delivered by catchment management authorities across the state.
The kit includes:
- An overview of the ways landholders can manage dryland rural drainage and the support available to them.
- Information about landholders’ obligations to obtain approvals for drainage works and guidance on developing a plan to manage these systems.
- Guidance for landholders seeking the best value for money for drainage works, while also seeking to minimise the possible impacts of drainage works.
- Options for dispute resolution.
- Advice on working collectively and information about the legal arrangements for establishing drainage committees and the options for governance structures.
Download the kit:

The rural drainage assessment calculator is a technical tool available to help landholders consider the likely costs and benefits of investing in improved dryland rural drainage (see the tool guide for detailed instructions).
Download the calculator and guide